Monday, November 20, 2006

Laws Have Loop Holes

The other day I saw a picture of the budget legislation for the fiscal year 2005. No doubt, a low level employee of the House of Representatives had been assigned to distribute this massive volume of legislation. One “folder” looked at least 18 inches thick and must have weighed 30 lbs.

It is staggering when I try to comprehend the legislative process and the veritable mountain of paper work that is involved. The tedious and overwhelming job of trying to form laws and close every loop hole that man can find or create is astounding.

As I pondered this subject I realized that it is impossible to create a law without a loop hole. Everyday new laws are being written to close loop holes in the laws that were written the day before.

Now, I do believe that laws are necessary and that they play an important role in our lives. However, in our walk with God we must go beyond the obedience of laws and install principles into our character.

For as I stated before, laws have loop holes. For example, if I tell my son that he can not cross my street when he is playing in the front yard, what will keep him from crossing the street when he is at my mother’s home? The principle is that there is danger in the street. This principle applies to every street. The original law works under specific circumstances but the principle works anywhere and anytime.

Laws have loop holes. They are tied to time, location or activity; where as, principles can be plugged into any circumstance.

Our life must be principle driven. We must live the way we live, not because it is legislated, but we live the way we live because it is who we are. We install principles into our lives, such as honesty, loyalty and modesty, which govern us under any situation. These have no loop holes.

We, as the children of God, must honor the laws of the land and of the Word of God. However, we must live and teach a higher level of life. That is the level of principles. This life style will keep us pure even when no one is watching. When there is no chance of being caught, principles will drive us to do the right thing.

Live principles…teach principles…

Laws have loop holes! Principles don’t!

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