Friday, February 20, 2009

Satan has You Right Where God Wants You!

Satan is so dumb! (I say that in the kindest possible

I have noticed that God loves to let Satan think that he has you right where he wants you. When, in reality, he is positioning you for your greatest victory.

Pharaoh thought he had Israel right where he wanted them. With mountains to each side and a sea before them, Pharaoh bore down on them. However, God
had a different plan. God was using the enemy for His own purposes.

Purpose One - To show Israel who He is.

To show them…

...that He is the God of all the elements.

(Cloud, Fire, and Sea)
...that He is well able to deliver.
...that He is well able to defeat any enemy no matter how large or advanced their armies may be.

Purpose Two - To show us the type and shadow of the New Birth message

...left their old life - Repentance
...passed through the sea - Baptism
...passed through the cloud - Holy Ghost

Therefore, the enemy was just a tool in the hands of God used to fulfill God's purpose in the lives of His people.

Satan thought he had Joseph where he wanted him… (Egypt)

Satan thought he had Daniel and the Hebrew boys where he wanted them… (Lion’s Den and the Fiery Furnace)

Satan also thought he had Jesus where he wanted him... (On the Cross)

Once again God was just using Satan's lust for power and his hatred for man kind to fulfill His purpose. He allowed Satan to orchestrate circumstances that seemed to be a defeat for God and His people, only to use those circumstances to propel His purpose in to the light for all to see.

So, when you feel that you have reached the end and the enemy has won.

Don't give up!

You are only being positioned for your promise!

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