Thursday, February 5, 2009

The Power of Wonderful Words

I was thinking today of how powerful words can be...

Negative words...

For years I thought I could not sing, even though I enjoyed singing, all because my sister used to tell me I "couldn't carry a tune in a bucket." I am 38 and her words still ring in my ears as if she said them today. I am still not a great singer but I can sing enough to get by...

Ugly, Dumb, Absent Minded, Sloppy...on and on... negative words ring their demoralizing tune.

Positive words...

"Your handwriting is so neat," were the words of some nameless substitute spoken to me in 5th grade. Almost 30 years later I can still hear these words of encouragement.

"You are too smart for this level of work," were the words of my 8th grade English teacher after I have failed miserably one six week period. I became her best student and went on to AP English classes in High School. (Even though you may not can tell it now...

You're Smart, Organized, Precise, Loving, Kind, Generous... Powerful Words!

Words are Powerful!

Whoever made up the rhyme "Sticks and Stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me" was just kidding themselves.

I've seen bruises and breaks heal much faster that destructive words. In fact, many times wounds from words never heal.

Let us be careful today... Give someone the gift of wonderful words today! Maybe you will give them something to build on for the future.

There is Power in Your Wonderful Words!

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