The most impacting messages of the conference for me were...
1. Dr. Jeffers "Condemnation Hinders Intimacy"
We must seek God's face. We must seek to know him. Living for Him is not religion or service it is relationship.
2. Brother Huntly, "Openess, The Key to Miraculous Manifestation"
God wants to do miraculous things in our lives He is just waiting for our faith just to say "I am open to it"
3. Brother Graham, "The Tree has already been Planted"
God has already made provision for us. He has set in motion events that will provide for our needs before we even need them.
2007 will be a year of great manifestation and power. Thank God for His voice in my life.
Along with the great preaching and fabulous services it was wonderful to have fellowship with such great and sincere men. I had the privilege of fellowshipping with Scott Phillips, Terry Long, Jeremy Price, Joel Mitchell, Jim Renfro, Gary Wheeler, Mike Littlefield, Gary Evenson, and many others. Thank God for passionate men who have the kingdom forever before their eyes.