Thursday, December 14, 2006

Greater than the Sum!

The Church is more than an institution. It is more than a group of people. It is more than a building. It is more than a series of services. It is more than an organization.

The Church is a living, breathing organism. The Church’s breathe is the Holy Ghost. The Church’s body is made up of millions of blood bought, Holy Ghost filled saints. The Church’s cloak is one of righteousness. The Church’s authority is in the Name of Jesus. The Church’s foundation is a Rock that can not be moved.

The Church is greater than the sum of its parts.

Many times, we as the church, we look at ourselves as a minority. We see ourselves as small and without influence. We look at our local congregation and we are intimidated by the small percentage of our city that we pastor.

Yet, we are more than the sum of our parts. As one can put a 1000 to flight and 2 can put 10,000 to flight, so is the church more powerful than our collective numbers.

The gates of hell cannot with stand our force. The enemy cannot destroy us. Our culture cannot ignore us. The media cannot shame us into compliance.

The Church is powerful. The Church is effective. The Church is salt…a preservative. The Church is light…a piercing sword cutting through the darkness.

Lift up your head and know that we are the bride of Christ. We have his favor. We have His power. We are called for His purpose.

Move forward into revival without fear or intimidation.

The Church is greater than the sum of it's parts!

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